Saturday, September 12, 2009

First day in discoveries

Selamat datang followers !

i just came back from georgetown on the beautiful island of penang after quite some adventure i must say.
Today  i fulfilled a long time un fulfilled dream or lets say, fear : driving a freaking scooter on the left side of the road...yeah you heard me and from the first ten meters of it (from the rental) almost met one parked car opposite..thanks to my legendary cool and survival instinct, i made it out without the bike reaching the floor or me....
from then, it was pretty much fun, going in between lanes, being stop by the cops on the way back (yeah totally...), 90 km/h on wheels so freaking awesome...
ok i love speed and thats how fast i ve been feeling free since last jump in october... grr i miss the rush so badly now... wait for some time in sydney and nz !
i have managed to upload with the very slow wifi connection almost all the pictures taken so far on here :

i would advise you to give it a good check !

from now its almost 1am and i ll meet my shower as i am just sweating over the laptop writing this little exciting news..

from malaysia with love


une spéciale dédicace à ma soeurette préféré m'occupe de ta carte postale asap !